For Any Guy Wanting More Energy, Unstoppable Drive And A Leaner Physique...

Get The Exact A-Z Protocol I Used To Almost Double My Testosterone Levels Within 28 Days Completely Naturally...

For Any Guy Wanting More Energy, Unstoppable Drive And A Leaner Physique...

Get The Exact A-Z Protocol I Used To Almost Double My Testosterone Levels Within 28 Days Completely Naturally...

(My Doctor Accused Me Of Being 'On Gear' When He Saw My Blood Test Results)

Click Play To Watch Video

What is TRT Free™?

TRT Free™ is a natural testosterone boosting protocol designed to help you rapidly increase your testosterone levels without many of the unwanted side effects traditionally associated with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).

TRT Free™ is for you if:

  • You're concerned that you may be low in testosterone (or your levels aren't optimal)

  • You're finding it harder to gain muscle and/or burn body fat

  • You feel held back by low energy

  • You have to 'push yourself' just to make it through the day

  • You have difficulty focusing on even the simplest of tasks

  • You have low libido or simply believe your sexual performance could be better

  • You want to bulletproof your manhood naturally

  • You're concerned that you may be low in testosterone (or your levels aren't optimal)

  • You're finding it harder to gain muscle and/or burn body fat

  • You feel held back by low energy

  • You have to 'push yourself' just to make it through the day

  • You have difficulty focusing on even the simplest of tasks

  • You have low libido or simply believe your sexual performance could be better

  • You want to bulletproof your manhood naturally

Limited Time pricing

This Offer Expires By

Only $27.00 USD Today

Over $297.00 in Value. Get Lifetime Access to TRT Free™ + 5 Bonuses For Just $27.00 (80% Off!) Delivered instantly. Start watching in the next 2 minutes.

Now Available For Instant Access

Backed by My 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Backed by My 100% Money Back Guarantee.

100% secure 256-bit encrypted checkout

100% secure 256-bit encrypted checkout

TRT Free™ Is A Shortcut

TRT Free™ distils everything you need to know to naturally increase your testosterone levels as high as possible into a simple 2-hour online course.

You see, I've devoted my entire life over the last 6 years researching what really moves the testosterone needle.

I've personally worked with hundreds of men from around the world...

And performed countless 'self-experiments'...

All so that you don't have to.

Now, I'm handing you the blueprint I wish I had.

This isn't guesswork.

It's a carefully crafted system that when applied, will help you rapidly increase your testosterone levels so that you can live a more confident, energetic and productive life.

Here's A Few Of My Clients' Results...

From 305ng/dl to Over 1000ng/dl In 8 Weeks (Completely Naturally)...

*The client results shown above represent individual outcomes, which are not typical for everyone. Results vary due to factors such as genetics and lifestyle. These examples are not guarantees of specific outcomes. Real names have been changed to protect privacy. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making health decisions.

Here's Everything That's Included With Your Order

5 Bonuses Included Today

TRT Free™

(2 hour rapid online course)

Get lifetime access to the TRT Free™ online video course containing my exact system to naturally maximize your testosterone levels, helping you pack on more lean muscle mass and boost your energy levels.


TRT Free™

(2 hour rapid online course)
Get lifetime access to the TRT Free™ online video course containing my exact system to naturally maximize your testosterone levels, helping you pack on more lean muscle mass and boost your energy levels.

Price: $197 $47

Price: $197 $47


Alpha Strength: The Ultimate Training Handbook For Explosive Muscle Growth [eBook]

31 page training guide to unlock explosive muscle growth and naturally elevate testosterone levels. Packed with advanced, meticulously designed workout plans to help you break through plateaus and sculpt an elite physique.

Price: $27 FREE



ManFuel: The Complete Testosterone-Boosting Recipe Book [eBook]

If Zeus had a cookbook for peak strength, ManFuel would be it. Packed with over 30 potent testosterone-boosting recipes and meal plans, ManFuel is the ultimate recipe book for any guy looking to dial-in his diet for peak T levels, vitality and unstoppable energy.

Price: $27 FREE


ScalpShield: How To Cultivate a Healthy Mane With Elevated Testosterone Levels [eBook]

This essential guide has been designed for men who want to keep their hair thick and their testosterone levels high. Discover simple, effective strategies to combat hair loss while naturally maintaining optimal testosterone. With straightforward advice on nutrition, lifestyle and hair care, ScalpShield addresses your top concerns, ensuring you can enjoy a full head of hair without compromising your manhood.

Price: $27 FREE


Hack The Sack: Pill-Free Secrets To Rock-Hard, Longer Lasting Erections [eBook]

This eBook is set to become your secret weapon for achieving 'gossip-worthy' bedroom performance without relying on the blue pill. Discover my most powerful supplement stacks and other libido-boosting protocols designed to help you more easily achieve longer lasting, iron-clad erections and reduce reload times. Get ready to enjoy a richer, more fulfilling sex life.

Price: $27 FREE


Complimentary Onboarding Call [1:1]

In order to maximize your results from TRT Free™, I'm also going to include a complimentary onboarding call with a senior health coach on my team as part of your order. We'll delve into your health journey so far, what's worked and what hasn't, as well as your key health goals you're focusing on right now. This call is all about ensuring you're set on the right path, free from overwhelm and confusion.

Price: $97 FREE

Total Value: $297.00

Your Price: Only $47.00

Get Everything For Only $27.00 USD Today

Over $297.00 in Value. Get Lifetime Access to TRT Free™ + 5 Bonuses For Just $27.00. Delivered instantly. Start watching in the next 2 minutes.

Backed by My 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Backed by My 100% Money Back Guarantee.

100% secure 256-bit encrypted checkout

100% secure 256-bit encrypted checkout

My Health Content Is Followed By...

Dr. Andrew Huberman

Ben Greenfield

Derek (More Plates More Dates)

Dave Asprey

Ben Pakulski

How TRT Free™ Works...

How TRT Free™ Works...

TRT Free™ works by harnessing my new approach to optimize the body's hormonal communication pathways, called the Neuro-Endocrine Reboot (NER) Method™.

The NER Method™ is a novel way to 'trick' the brain into perceiving a need for more testosterone...

Which in turn, stimulates the testes to increase natural production.

You see, your brain and testes are in a never-ending chat about how much testosterone to make.

Oftentimes due to environmental stressors, sub-optimal sleep, poor diet and other factors, this chat gets a bit muddled...

And as a result, your body doesn't get the right signals to produce testosterone.

In fact, recent studies have shown that..

In The Last Two Decades Alone, Average Testosterone Levels In Young American Men (19-39) Have Plummeted By Almost 30%...

Source: Lokeshwar SD, et al. Decline in Serum Testosterone Levels Among Adolescent and Young Adult Men in the USA. Eur Urol Focus (2020),

In The Last Two Decades Alone, Average Testosterone Levels In Young American Men (19-39)
Have Plummeted By Almost 30%...

And what's even more scary are some of the predictions made by top medical experts...

Suggesting that in only one or two generations from now...

Men will become completely infertile due to this ongoing decline.

Today's men are under attack, and decreasing testosterone levels are showing no signs of slowing down.

It comes as no surprise why so many men are in crisis, fighting a daily battle against:

  • Depression

  • Decreased Muscle Mass

  • Slow Physical Recovery Times

  • Erectile Challenges

  • Low Energy

  • Difficulty Focusing

  • Abdominal Fat

  • Decreased Athletic Performance

So, Why Are Testosterone Levels Declining?

So, Why Are Testosterone Levels Declining?

The answer lies in the fact that today's man is waging a silent war...

A war that our ancestors never had to fight.

You see, the modern man is facing an onslaught of hidden 'testosterone assassins'...

These assassins are stealthily dismantling the critical communication channel between the brain and the testes...

Therefore murdering the body's natural ability to produce testosterone.

From inconspicuous ingredients contained in every day pantry items...

To the very air we breathe...

And even the use of social media...

The list of testosterone assassins well and truly goes on...

The NER Method™ Helps To Restore The Vital Conversation Between The Brain & The Testes...

The NER Method™ Helps To

Restore The Vital Conversation Between The Brain & The Testes...

It's like making sure the phone line between your brain and testes is crystal clear....

So the brain can effectively say, "Hey, we need more testosterone!"

And your testes respond, "Got it, making more now!"

By hijacking this crucial brain-testes dialogue...

The NER Method™ ensures that your body receives and accurately responds to the signals for increased testosterone production.

The NER Method therefore helps to tackle the underlying root causes of low testosterone....

Rather Than Relying Upon Exogenous Testosterone...

Rather Than Relying Upon Exogenous Testosterone...

A path which can be associated with many unwanted side effects, time commitment and cost, such as:

Suppression Of Natural Testosterone Production

TRT is often prescribed for long-term use and can lead to challenges in discontinuing the treatment. This is because TRT can suppress the body's natural hormone regulation mechanisms, potentially affecting its ability to produce testosterone independently.

Risk Of Infertility

By suppressing natural testosterone production, TRT can also reduce sperm production, potentially leading to temporary or, in some cases, long-term infertility. This is particularly relevant for men who wish to maintain fertility.

Potential Increase in Red Blood Cell Count

TRT can lead to an increase in hematocrit and hemoglobin levels, thickening the blood. This can increase the risk of complications such as thrombosis (blood clots), which can be particularly concerning for individuals with a history of clotting disorders.

Transfer Risk

When using topical testosterone therapies, there's a possibility that testosterone might inadvertently be transferred to others through direct skin contact with the treated area. This unintended exposure could lead to side effects like unwanted hair growth or other signs of male characteristics in women and children.

TRT Can Be Costly

TRT can be expensive over the long term, encompassing not only the cost of the testosterone product itself but also regular monitoring and follow-up appointments with healthcare providers.

Time Commitment

As per the above, undergoing TRT requires a significant commitment to regular treatment and monitoring. The need for ongoing, sometimes lifelong, therapy can be time-consuming and may impact an individual's lifestyle and daily routines.

Why You've Failed To Increase Testosterone Naturally (It's Not Your Fault)...

Why You've Failed To Increase Testosterone Naturally (It's Not Your Fault)...

You probably thought that if you just followed all the health advice online...

Took the 'right' supplements...

Ate enough protein...

And exercised religiously enough...

That you'd see the change you so desperately sought.

And yet, here you are...

Feeling like you're at a standstill, with results that barely echo the hard work you've invested.

As you stand on the verge of some of life’s biggest moments —

Whether it be thinking about starting a family...

Improving your relationship...

Or finally taking that leap of faith out of the 9-5 grind...

You find yourself in a battle with an unseen force that's slowly eroding the essence of your manhood.

This isn't just about building muscle or boosting your performance...

It's about a deeper, more fundamental desire to

feel like yourself again...

To tap into the energy that once seemed inexhaustible...

And to unlock peak productivity that propels you closer towards your goals every single day.

The thought of turning to Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) has probably crossed your mind more than once...

It's a path many other men have taken...

But Deep Down, You Feel There Has To Be A More Natural Way To Increase Testosterone...

But Deep Down, You Feel There Has To Be A More Natural Way To Increase Testosterone...

Well, the good news is that I’m here to tell you that your intuition is right...

And with the correct guidance and approach...

It is entirely possible to attain insanely high testosterone levels completely naturally.

And if you're still skeptical, just take a look at what I was able to achieve on my own blood test results...

That's equivalent to 988ng/dl, which is well above the 'normal' reference range.

And here's the kicker.

I achieved this WITHOUT...

External testosterone supplementation...

Wasting hundreds of dollars on ineffective supplements that don't work...

Spending hours slaving away in the gym...

And overly restrictive 'high protein, organ-only' kinda diets...

Instead, I did this by effectively 'hijacking' my body's brain-testes dialogue...

Ensuring my body was churning out testosterone like clockwork.

Now, Before I Show You Exactly How I Was Able To Skyrocket My Testosterone To Almost 1000ng/dl Completely Naturally...

Now, Before I Show You Exactly How I Was Able To Naturally Skyrocket My Testosterone...

Please first read this disclaimer:

I have the benefit of studying a 4 year naturopathy degree and spending thousands of hours diving deep into cutting-edge men's health research.

The average person who buys any “how to” information product gets little to no results.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors…

Including but not limited to your unique biology, discipline and experience.

TRT Free is NOT intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

I wholeheartedly do not claim that this course can replace professional medical advice or testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).

Rather, TRT Free is intended to provide men with education and information ONLY on how to adopt a holistic, natural approach to increasing testosterone levels.

Always consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your health regimen, especially if you have concerns about low testosterone levels or other hormonal imbalances.

With that said, let me jump right in and show you...

How Jared Naturally Increased His Testosterone Levels To Over 1000ng/dl In One Of My Other Programs...

Or What Some Of My Recent 1:1 Clients' Bloodwork Look Like...

*The client blood test results shown represent individual outcomes, which are not typical for everyone. Results vary due to factors such as genetics and lifestyle. These examples are not guarantees of specific outcomes. Real names have been changed to protect privacy. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making health decisions.

Now, You May Be Thinking That Some Guys Have Just Been 'Blessed' With Naturally High Testosterone Levels (Or Good Genetics)...

But the truth is that I came from a place of low testosterone myself...

And it affected me in many ways.

Throughout my earlier years, I often felt intimidated by more 'masculine' men around me...

I lacked confidence to approach women I found attractive...

And my drive and focus wasn't there when I needed it.

It was impacting so many areas of my life that eventually enough was enough.

I had to do something about it.

For years, I dove deep into scientific literature.

I tested countless diets, foods, lifestyle changes, herbs, supplements and other lesser-known biohacks.

If it had the potential to increase testosterone, I tried it.

Some things worked, many didn’t.

There was a lot of trial and error and a lot of wasted time and money.

But eventually I began to find things that actually worked.

And started seeing incredible results.

I remember the first week after icing my testicles...

I was consistently waking up with insane morning wood and felt like I had 30% more energy every single day.

My drive and focus was incredible and I was able to get so much more done in my day.

My workouts improved and so too did my ability to add on slabs of lean muscle mass.

It's fair to say that almost every single aspect of my quality of life improved.

Just take a quick look at my natural testosterone optimisation journey...

Allow Me To Briefly Introduce Myself...

My Name Is Lucas Aoun

I’m a fully-qualified naturopath, supplement formulator, former professional athlete and a world-renowned expert in men’s hormonal health & biohacking.

My health content is followed by tens of thousands of men from around the world...

And prominent health educators such as...

Dr. Andrew Huberman...

Derek from More Plates More Dates...

Mark Bell...

Ben Pakulski...

And many more globally-recognised individuals:

My Instagram Page...

My YouTube Channel...

My Podcast...

I Understand How Hard Life Is With Low Testosterone...

And after coaching hundreds of men from around the world...

I also understand how overwhelming it is trying to put all the pieces of the puzzle together by yourself

Especially when there is a never-ending amount of health information available online…

And so many conflicting opinions about…

  • What testosterone boosting supplements ACTUALLY work...

  • Which protocols you SHOULD and SHOULDN'T implement…

  • What dietary advice you SHOULD and SHOULDN'T follow…

Thrown around by so many men's health 'coaches' & 'gurus'

Who are not educated in health science…

Who fail to back their claims with trustworthy, credible health research

And who simply recycle the same generic health content you've probably heard a thousand times before.

Over the next few minutes...

I’m going to share with you how I’ve been able to turn around the lives of countless men...

Men who were previously struggling with low energy...

Dreadful focus...

And a body that just wouldn't cooperate like it used to...

Men who felt like they had reached the 'end of the road' of self-research and experimentation...

But First, Check Out Some Of The Messages That Keep Pouring Into My Instagram Account Every Single Day...

Take A Listen To What Some Of My Past Clients Have To Say About Me...

Ziggy - 46 y.o

Josh - 34 y.o

Paul - 35 y.o

Aref - 34 y.o

Tim - 32 y.o

Simon - 37 y.o

Jason - 48 y.o

Eamon - 18

Stefan - 18

David - 43

After Thousands Of Hours Of Laborious Research & Many Failed Self-Experiments Later...

I've finally been able to distil what really increases testosterone levels...

Into a simple blueprint that any guy can follow.

In fact, I've appointed it as my mission to make TRT Free™ the last resource you'll ever really need to naturally skyrocket your testosterone levels.

I know that's a pretty bold claim...

But I stand by it.


Because the information you're about to discover in TRT Free™ is unlike anything you've probably heard before.

You see, this is NOT your typical testosterone course...

I'm not here to give you the same old information you've heard everywhere else...

Take a few supplements, cut out a few foods & sleep a little better.


I am going to give you all of my most cutting edge, unconventional protocols I have discovered over the years...

As well as walk you through exactly how to effectively implement each of them.

There truly is nothing else quite like it out there.

Here's A Small Fraction Of Everything You're Going To Discover In TRT Free™...

Module 1: Natural Testosterone Enhancement 101

  • How to 'hijack' your body's vital hormonal communication pathways (avoid this and you'll always be fighting an uphill battle trying to increase testosterone)...

  • How to 'trick' the hypothalamus and pituitary gland into perceiving a need for more testosterone...

  • Discover the unspoken causes of low testosterone in the 21st century that are robbing men of their vitality (and how you can easily avoid them)...

  • The 'fatal' testosterone blocking ingredients men are unknowingly using every day...

  • The most commonly used herbs & supplements men need to avoid to preserve high testosterone levels...

  • The 'emasculating' teas men should stop drinking immediately (you'll be shocked when you find out what they are)...

  • The dangerous side effects of popular hair loss medication (and what you can use instead to help regrow and preserve a luscious head of hair into your 40s and beyond)...

  • The best type of underwear to use to maintain optimal testosterone production in the body...

  • Popular supplements you're probably using right now which could be causing reduced penile size & testicular shrinkage (yes, for real)...

  • The little-known dangers of vaping 99% of men don't realise that are making them feel lesser of a man...

  • Discover the simple secret to detoxifying xenoestrogens – (harmful synthetic compounds that mimic estrogen in the body) to speed up testosterone production...

  • Discover a unique 'icing' technique, once a secret weapon of Russian powerlifters, which may help generate an instant testosterone surge...

  • How to leverage red light therapy from the comfort of your own home to dramatically increase libido, enhance circulation & boost testosterone...

  • Discover my top 5 most potent testosterone boosting supplements that actually work... PLUS my expert advice on optimal sourcing and dosing so you're not peeing your hard earned money down the toilet...

Module 2: T-Boosting Nutrition Hacks

  • Discover the 5 essential traits that all testosterone-boosting foods share in common (so that you confidently know exactly which items to pick up on your next grocery store run and what to leave behind on the shelf)...

  • How to swap everyday black pepper with a potent T-boosting secret spice (warning: overuse might unleash unstoppable energy levels you've never experienced before)...

  • The essential protein guidelines that support optimal testosterone production (avoid these requirements and you'll forever be fighting an uphill battle trying to increase your T naturally)...

  • How to correctly time protein intake for ideal testosterone synthesis (it's not just about hitting your daily macros, fellas)...

  • The most common carbohydrate pitfalls men make that are dampening free testosterone levels...

  • The critical T-boosting fat guidelines, including which types of fat are most important when it comes to enhancing testosterone production (you'll be shocked when you discover the truth about saturated fats)...

  • The fundamental differences between Omega 3 & Omega 6 fatty acids and which to avoid to preserve a state of high-T...

  • Discover the testosterone-murdering materials you need to STOP cooking your meals with today and what to use instead... (Every guy that cares about bulletproofing his manhood needs to make sure his kitchen is stocked with these essential alternatives to maintain high testosterone levels)...

  • Learn the correct ways to store your food, preventing your prepared dishes from becoming estrogen-laden...

  • Discover 3 simple breakfast, lunch and dinner meals that any guy can prepare in a hurry to ensure your body is pumping out testosterone on overdrive...

  • How to make your own probiotic yoghurt to help supercharge your testosterone levels and vitality (you'll never want to eat regular yoghurt ever again after you discover this simple trick)...

  • How to decode your own urine colour to ensure adequate hydration in the body (most guys don't know how to do this correctly). Discover the little-known link between hydration and testosterone - as well as how to ensure you're always in the ideal range...

  • How the water you’re drinking could be lowering your testosterone levels (and what to do about it)...

  • Discover the hidden link between eating frequency and optimal testosterone levels - and how sticking to this eating schedule can be the linchpin to keeping your testosterone elevated throughout the day...

  • The 3 best T-boosting snacks I recommend for all of my 1:1 clients to help curb appetite and unleash a flood of energizing testosterone to power through the day with unstoppable energy

  • Discover an ultra-simple & delicious dessert recipe (containing only 5 ingredients) you can enjoy right before bed without adding inches to your waistline - and also turbocharging your body's natural production of testosterone when you sleep...

Module 3: How To Master Sleep To Supercharge Testosterone Production Overnight

  • Discover the 19 secrets to consistently sleeping like a baby, nurturing peak testosterone production as you rest. Awaken each morning refreshed and fully charged, ready to conquer the day with vigor and vitality...

  • How to regulate room temperature to achieve better quality sleep (most guy's are destroying their testosterone levels by not knowing this)...

  • Discover a kindergarten-simple morning light exposure routine to correct your body's circadian rhythm to put an end to those mid-afternoon slumps and support optimal testosterone levels...

  • The single most important thing you can do tonight using nothing more than a piece of tape to help increase alpha wave activity in the brain, promote deeper sleep, lower resting heart rate and enhance stress adaptation...

  • How to tilt your bed using an ancient egyptian practice to boost sleep and in turn fuel testosterone production - while at the same time helping to promote improved circulation and reducing night time urination...

  • The best type of blue blocker glasses to use (and when to use them) to boost melatonin naturally and ensure you get a restful night's sleep every time...

  • Discover the best EMF blockers to use at night to shield yourself from invisible disturbances, dramatically enhance sleep quality and turbocharge testosterone production - for improved vitality throughout the day...

  • How to use nasal dilators to improve sleep, hormone health & promote nitric oxide production (most guys are shocked at how effective this is for morning wood too)...

  • Discover the hidden sleep benefits of food: eat these 6 foods after 7pm to induce a state of sleepiness & relaxation right before hitting the hay - so that you wake up feeling refreshed and primed for peak testosterone levels...

  • How to effectively track your sleep patterns using the latest technology, paving the way for improved rest and a significant testosterone boost...

  • How to make your own probiotic yoghurt to help supercharge your testosterone levels and vitality (you'll never want to eat regular yoghurt ever again after you discover this simple trick)...

  • Discover my 3 epic, custom-made supplement stacks for better sleep - 'Melt-2-Sleep', 'Delta Sleep Induction' and the 'K.O Sleep Stack.' Use any of these stacks to be escorted into a sleep as profound as sinking into a cloud, ensuring you wake up more rejuvenated than you've ever dreamed possible...

  • Is your brain overstimulated at night? Use these supplements to reduce overthinking before trying to fall asleep. Spend less time wrestling with your sheets and more time in deep, restorative sleep - fuelling optimal testosterone production all night long...

Module 4: Train Like A Beast

  • Discover the #1 exercise men need to avoid at all costs if they want to preserve sky-high testosterone levels (so many men commit this mistake almost daily, shooting their cortisol through the roof and in turn, destroying their T)...

  • How to dodge the overtraining trap that's slamming the brakes on your hormonal engine (and why more strength training isn't always better)...

  • Discover the absolutely essential exercises that are almost guaranteed to skyrocket testosterone levels, including a simple routine you can crush without ever setting foot in a gym...

  • How to transform your training regimen to harness the benefits of the strongest hormone in the testosterone family - DHT. Gain access to the exact exercise to amplify DHT for unmatched strength, vigor and vitality.

  • Understand the vital, little-known link between daily steps and testosterone levels - as well as how many steps men should be aiming for to naturally increase testosterone levels and torch body fat...

Module 5: Optimising Your Environment

  • What the world's 'elite' don't want the average guy to know - how our modern environment is waging a silent war against testosterone levels - and how you can arm yourself with powerful strategies to counteract this silent hormonal warfare...

  • Discover the surprising link between social environments and testosterone levels - as well as how to 'exploit' social dynamics to fuel a hormonal power surge...

  • How to leverage the power of the sun to naturally elevate your testosterone levels (and how you can still tap into the power of light therapy even when the sun decides not to come out)...

  • The almost 'unbelievable' health benefits of earthing and how you can reap these benefits even whilst you work & sleep...

  • How grounding whilst sleeping can be used to reduce the time it takes to fall asleep, help you wake up feeling more refreshed and energetic (as well as supporting natural testosterone production)...

  • How to swap out harmful artificial lighting with circadian-synced red light to decrease cortisol and in turn, increase testosterone levels...

  • Discover the ‘gold-standard’ of air filters to dramatically improve your surrounding environment's air quality. Unlock the key to purifying your air from harmful pollutants to create an optimal environment for maintaining hormonal balance and elevating testosterone levels...

  • Uncover my 8 simple strategies to shield your hormones from invisible EMF threats and bulletproof your hormonal health...

Plus, You're Also Going To Receive These 4 Epic eBooks With Your Purchase Here Today...

Included With Your Order

Alpha Strength: The Ultimate Training Handbook For Explosive Muscle Growth [eBook]

49-page training guide to unlock explosive muscle growth and naturally elevate testosterone levels. Packed with advanced, meticulously designed workout plans to help you break through plateaus and sculpt an elite physique.

Alpha Strength: The Ultimate Training Handbook For Explosive Muscle Growth [eBook]

49-page training guide to unlock explosive muscle growth and naturally elevate testosterone levels. Packed with advanced, meticulously designed workout plans to help you break through plateaus and sculpt an elite physique.

Included With Your Order

ManFuel: The Complete Testosterone-Boosting Recipe Book [eBook]

If Zeus had a cookbook for peak strength, ManFuel would be it. Packed with over 60 potent testosterone-boosting recipes and meal plans, ManFuel is the ultimate recipe book for any guy looking to dial-in his diet for peak T levels, vitality and unstoppable energy.

Hack The Sack: Pill-Free Secrets To Rock-Hard, Longer Lasting Erections [eBook]

This eBook is set to become your secret weapon for achieving 'gossip-worthy' bedroom performance without relying on the blue pill. Discover my most powerful supplement stacks and other libido-boosting protocols designed to help you more easily achieve longer lasting, iron-clad erections and reduce reload times. Get ready to enjoy a richer, more fulfilling sex life.

Included With Your Order

Hack The Sack: Pill-Free Secrets To Rock-Hard, Longer Lasting Erections

This eBook is set to become your secret weapon for achieving 'gossip-worthy' bedroom performance without relying on the blue pill. Discover my most powerful supplement stacks and other libido-boosting protocols designed to help you more easily achieve longer lasting, iron-clad erections and reduce reload times. Get ready to enjoy a richer, more fulfilling sex life.

ManFuel: The Complete Testosterone-Boosting Recipe Book [eBook]

If Zeus had a cookbook for peak strength, ManFuel would be it. Packed with over 60 potent testosterone-boosting recipes and meal plans, ManFuel is the ultimate recipe book for any guy looking to dial-in his diet for peak T levels, vitality and unstoppable energy.

Included With Your Order

ScalpShield: How To Cultivate a Healthy Mane With Elevated Testosterone Levels

This essential guide has been designed for men who want to keep their hair thick and their testosterone levels high. Discover simple, effective strategies to combat hair loss while naturally maintaining optimal testosterone. With straightforward advice on nutrition, lifestyle and hair care, ScalpShield addresses your top concerns, ensuring you can enjoy a full head of hair without compromising your manhood.

ScalpShield: How To Cultivate a Healthy Mane With Elevated Testosterone Levels [eBook]

This essential guide has been designed for men who want to keep their hair thick and their testosterone levels high. Discover simple, effective strategies to combat hair loss while naturally maintaining optimal testosterone. With straightforward advice on nutrition, lifestyle and hair care, ScalpShield addresses your top concerns, ensuring you can enjoy a full head of hair without compromising your manhood.

Now, Before You Access TRT Free™, I Want You To Know There's No Catch...

By now you’re probably wondering:

“If this is so effective, then why such a low price tag?"

Or "there has to be some kind of catch"...

Well, I don't blame you for thinking that way.

I realise there are plenty of sites that offer you a great deal on something...

But then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.

This isn't one of them.

There's NO hidden "continuity program" you have to try or anything even remotely like that.

I'm literally handing you TRT Free™ and all 5 bonuses for only $27.00, as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value...

  • That’s probably considerably less than what you’ve spent on 'testosterone booster' supplements within the last month you're not even sure are getting you results...

My hope is that you'll love it...

And this will be the start of a great client relationship for years to come...

Because let's face it -

Whilst testosterone is crucial...

It's still only addressing part of the biological equation for peak cognitive & physical performance.

Furthermore, as a globally recognised men's health educator...

I've seen firsthand how many guys struggle increasing their testosterone all on their own.

I've also seen how expensive it can be for men to get the help they need.

That's why I decided to create something truly amazing that can help more men without breaking the bank.

After years of research and experience...

I could be charging hundreds of dollars for the information you’re about to uncover...

And if you don't believe me, then take a look at what my previous online courses were sold for...

You see, I wanted to make sure that this content was affordable and accessible to as many guys as possible…

As I know that this is something that can truly make a difference in every single guy’s life…

Regardless of their age, experience or geographic location .

And in case you were wondering...


Your Purchase Is Protected By My 60-Day Unconditional Money Back Guarantee...


I want you to be comfortable with this purchase (even though it's only $27)...

So here’s what I’ve arranged:

Enrol into TRT Free™, watch all of the modules, and most importantly - apply what you discover in there.

If you don't witness a significant boost in your testosterone levels within the next 30-60 days...

Or you're simply not blown away by the information you uncover...

Then just send me an email within 60 days of your purchase...

And I'll refund you your $27.00 straight back onto you card - no questions asked.

And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order, so with that in mind...

Get TRT Free™ + 5 Epic Bonuses When You Order Today For Only $27...

Access TRT Free directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.

Until's to your success.

- Lucas Aoun

P.S. Remember, TRT Free comes with one of the the BEST money-back guarantees in the world.

Watch it, implement it, get results.

If you’re not happy for any reason (and I mean ANY reason) - just let me know and I’ll refund you your $27.00.

Only $27.00 Today

Over $597 in Value. Access The LIMITLESS Course For Just $27.00. Delivered instantly. Start watching in the next 2 minutes.

Here's A Sneak Peek Of What's Inside TRT Free™...

 Frequently Asked Questions

I want this, what exactly am I getting?

You're getting lifetime access to the TRT Free™ online video course (including all future updates), as well as 4 bonus resources.

Do you offer more in depth help?

Yes - I offer 1:1 coaching as well as a 12-week group coaching program for men who want to level-up all facets of their health and receive personalised support. You'll be able to book in a complimentary onboarding call shortly after your purchase here today to see whether you'd be a good fit for my higher-level coaching services.

Who is this for?

TRT Free™ is for any guy who wants to discover an alternative approach to naturally increase their testosterone levels rather than resorting to the use of exogenous forms of testosterone. However, TRT Free™ is NOT intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I do not claim that this course can replace professional medical advice or testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Rather, TRT Free™ is intended to provide men with education and information ONLY on how to adopt a holistic, natural approach to increasing testosterone levels. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your health regimen, especially if you have concerns about low testosterone levels or other hormonal imbalances.

Why is this so cheap?

I'm literally giving you this entire testosterone boosting protocol and all 4 bonuses as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value. My hope is that you'll love it and this will be the start of a great client relationship for years to come. Further to this, as a globally recognised men's health educator I've seen firsthand how many guys struggle with their health and wellness. I've also seen how expensive it can be for men to get the help they need. That's why I decided to create something truly amazing that can help more men without breaking the bank.

What is TRT Free?

TRT Free™ is your gateway to boosting testosterone levels naturally, without the use of hormone replacement therapies. It's an online course meticulously designed by Lucas Aoun, a distinguished authority in men's health, a savvy biohacker and a fully qualified naturopath. TRT Free™ offers over 2 hours of premium video content, where Lucas shares his groundbreaking, proprietary methods and protocols he's used to help men around the globe achieve their natural testosterone peak, enhancing vitality, strength and overall well-being.

How is this different than all the other stuff out there?

At the heart of TRT Free™ lies my groundbreaking Neuro-Endocrine Reboot Method™️ — a proprietary approach meticulously developed over the past 6 years to naturally amplify your body's development of testosterone.

I can assure you that the information you're about to uncover is unlike anything you've already seen on Google or YouTube.

You're about to gain access to a treasure trove of specialized knowledge that has been assembled together into one coherent, actionable system that's both easy to follow and profoundly effective.

Is there a guarantee?

Yes, you get a 60 day money back guarantee in case it's not for you.

Still Have Questions?

Over $297 in Value. Access TRT Free™ For Just $27.00. Delivered instantly. Start watching in the next 2 minutes.

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This product is brought to you and copyrighted by Ergogenic Health Pty Ltd

The information on this page and provided within the course is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The course is designed to provide educational content on various health topics and strategies that may be beneficial for improving men's health. However, it should not be used as a replacement for medical advice from a licensed healthcare provider. Additionally, the course content may not be suitable for individuals with certain medical conditions, and it's important to consult with your healthcare provider before making any changes to your health routine based on information provided in the course. We strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, but we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided in the course. Therefore, we do not accept any liability for any errors or omissions in the course content, or for any actions taken based on the information provided in the course. By enrolling in the course, you acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for any health decisions you make, and that you will not hold the course creators, instructors, or affiliates liable for any damages, injuries, or other harm that may result from your use of the course content.